DisplayTech 64128COG LCD interface |
Low cost LCD module interface with optional LED backlight: Here are the technical specifications:
These two LCD modules can be bought in our online shop. You'll need the interface described below and a PIC microcontroller to get these LCD modules running. PIC example Source code (CCS C) , pcb layout and schematics (Eagle) available. Last update: March 24, 2007. |
Interface: Schematic & PCB: (right click & "save as" to get full resolution)
Interface: Main Connections:
LCD module backside with soldered and connected interface. |
Header pinouts |
PIC software example: routines
ccs routine | example | explanation |
LCD initialization | dt_lcd_init(); | init parameters needed after power on |
Clear screen | dt_lcd_clear_screen(); | resets all pixels, needed after power on |
Cursor position set | dt_lcd_gotoxy(0,5); | goto cursur location x= 0..127 PIXEL COLUMNS // y= 0..7 CHAR. ROWS |
Write text to LCD | printf(dt_lcd_printchar," DisplayTech LCD"); | show simple unformatted text |
Downloads: right-click & save as
WARNING: may not be duplicated for any commercial use whatsoever without explicit consent from the author (c) Michel Bavin, TechDesign Electronics. |
Interface: Eagle PCB layout: 042 - 004.brd - March 24, 2007. Interface: Eagle Schematics: 042 - 004.sch - March 24, 2007.
PIC CCS example: source code: 042_v01.zip for 18f452 @ 20MhZ - March 24, 2007. PIC CCS example:Hex file: 042_v01.hex for 18f452 @ 20MhZ - March 24, 2007.
Info & datasheet:
Graphic LCD module type 64128COG-FA-BC (no backlight) 128x64 pixels with integrated controller KS0713. | |
Graphic LCD module type 64128G-FC-BW-3 (white LED backlight) 128x64 pixels with integrated controller KS0713. | |
Interface PCB |
Check out our development tools page.
The PIC code was made with the PCWH CCS compiler ($425,-); you can install Microchip's MPLAB IDE (click on the link and you can get it for free) with it to get things running smoothly.
Bootloading of the PIC18F452 can be done with the excellent Tiny PIC bootloader, through RS232.
Eagle 4.11e was used for the schematic & PCB layout.